As we all know, Barack Hussein Obama, the current and the 44th president of the U.S.A was awarded the Nobel peace prize for the year 2009. According to the Norwegian Nobel Committee the Nobel prize has been awarded to Obama “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people”. The Nobel committee would thus have us believe that in just 10 months of the white house Obama has not only “created a new climate in international politics” but also a vision of “a world without nuclear weapons”. Great words indeed!
I sincerely hope that all this sentiments turn out to be true. Four years from now I pray that Obama is seen as one of the most influential and peaceful leaders of the world. But these are my hopes and prayers. In the past 10 months none of us can say with any certainty that Obama has shown the attributes which the Nobel committee seems to have seen. The good and glorious things that the committee has stated in the press release haven’t happened yet.
By awarding Obama, the Nobel committee is attempting to force a force a series of ex-ante actions on the U.S president. A Nobel peace prize winner will find it difficult to increase troop concentration in Afghanistan, take a hard line with Iran, take a tough position in climate change negotiations; or be a bad boy in major bodies. Another interpretation involves huge faith. The Nobel committee truly believes that the 44th U.S president is a person who will do all good and glorious things for global peace and cooperation – although we haven’t seen much of it yet.